Deciding on Your Own Piece
Figuring out what type of custom design you want can be a daunting task. I suggest instead of getting overwhelmed with the totality of the project one should break in down into several steps. In this manner we can take what might seem like a daunting job and make it quite manageable and even enjoyable. Where will the wall art go, what size would you like and maybe most important of all what design or subject matter do you envision.
Where you will display your stone art might seem like a no brainer but you should take the time to put some thought into this decision. Will the stone art be displayed in your home or maybe in your place of business or employment? If it will be in your home will it be in a bedroom or a more public place such a living room or dinning area? This could also have a bearing on your subject matter. If you are going to display your artwork at you business will it be in a private office or a public waiting area? One should consider all these questions when choosing the site for your custom wall art.
Once you have chosen the location for your custom stone artwork it is time to start considering size and shape. The subject matter should be in the back of your mind during this step, too. How large do you want your piece to be? Remember the largest size available is approximately four foot by four foot and the smallest size available for a custom design is approximately eighteen inches by eighteen inches. Is your desired design of a horizontal nature meaning more of a landscape orientation? Or is it vertical in nature more of a portrait orientation? What size of piece and orientation will best fit the spot you have chosen to place your custom wall art?
Now that these steps are complete we can get down to the fun part. What do you want on your stone art? Do you have a photograph of a carving you found in a deep canyon while on a desert adventure? Or maybe you have a photograph of wildlife grazing in a mountain meadow that you would like to have replicated. Do you want a striking house number plate or welcome your guests in to your home. Maybe there is a special day you want to commemorate or loved one who has passed that should be honored. If you have lost a loved pet I can help to memorialize them as well. It might even be that you have a vision in mind that you would like to see hand carved in stone. The ideas are endless and only restricted by your imagination.
By following these general steps it should help make the process of designing your custom stone wall art a little less daunting and much more enjoyable. The next step to be taken would be to contact me so we can start making your idea or design a reality and a piece of unique art to be treasured for generations.
Ron White, stone carver and entrepreneur, has been carving stone since 1993, and is shown in more than 40 galleries across the US. Prior to beginning his work with stone carving Ron has worked extensively with leather, wood cabinetry and even jewelry. Learn more about Ron White and his work at