Considered by many to be a trickster and a teacher Raven is thought to guide the magic of healing and to dispel “dis-ease” or illness. When you call on Raven magic is in the air, the power of the unknown is at work and something special is about to happen.
Approx. size 4" x 5" x 1/4". Also available in medium andlarge sizes.
Your artwork may be hung on your wall, with the nail provided, or used with thestand that comes with each piece. A nail in a piece of drywall will support approximately 20 pounds. Our stone carvings weigh less than 8 pounds each. Just hammer the nail into the wall as if you were going to hang a picture (at approximately a 45 degree angle). Then pull the nail out as far as you can without removing it from the wall. Line the hole on the back of the rock up with the nail and push the rock onto the nail and towards the wall until it is flush with the wall. This ensures that the nail is all the way inside the hole on the rock. When removing the rock from the wall lift it upward to free it from the nail. Ron has taken great care to balance the stones so that they will hang accurately on the wall. To stand the piece just place the rod into the hole on the back. The artwork will be supported by the pressure created when leaning back on the rod. Description card and hanging instructions included.
The shape texture and color of each piece may vary from what is shown. Your piece may be slightly different in the style of carving and placement of the design depending on the shape of the stone and Ron’s fancy.
Ron WhiteDerived From Nature1-800-531-3650